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WGAT - Uludağ University Scientific Partnership

WGAT and Uludağ University has signed a partnership protocol with the common aim of expanding academic and scientific research activities.

With the above-mentioned protocol, both parties set out with a plan to ensure the expansion of walnut cultivation in Turkey and thus contribute to the domestic economy;

  • Walnut cultivation with more modern techniques and implications,

  • Determining and evaluating potentially negative outcomes and the remedy mechanisms against them

  • Developing walnut based complementary products,

  • Unveiling and displaying functional properties of walnuts,

In light of these goals, WGAT and Uludağ University developing research activities hope this partnership to be beneficial in promoting relations between both parties, developing existing relations and ensuring the common use of research results, publishing the findings in national and international academic journals and events. The partnership is aimed at creating university and sector-based symbiosis studies and sharing and transferring valuable knowledge between the two institutions

The signing ceremony held at Bursa Uludağ University was attended by Walnut Growers Association of Turkey Executive Board Co-Chair Ömer Ergüder, WGAT Secretary General Mutlu Payaslıoğlu, Uludağ University Rector Prof.Dr. Ahmet Saim Guide, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture Prof. Dr. İlhan Turgut, Director of BITUAM Prof. Dr. Utku Çopur, Uludağ University Technology Transfer Department officials, association managers and professors attended.

"Turkey is the 4th largest walnut producer country of the world"

Ömer Ergüder took the stand at the ceremony and stated that “ Turkey is the 4th largest walnut producer in the world after China, USA and Iran."

He continued with these words, “Despite the investments and the increase in walnut production, Turkey has not been able to exploit this advantage, and has become the biggest importer of walnuts with approximately 130 million dollars of walnut imports in 2021.

Despite the production area and the number of trees increasing each year, the increase in consumption also caused the import rate to trend in the same way. It is vital to increase and expand walnut cultivation in Turkey to contribute to domestic economy. To achieve this, it is necessary to practice walnut cultivation with more modern techniques and implications, to determine and evaluate potentially negative outcomes and remedy mechanisms against these, to develop walnut based complementary products and to reveal the functional properties and nutritional superiorities of domestic walnuts." he said.

We have a duty towards our society

Protokol imza töreninde konuşan BUÜ Rektörü Prof.Dr. Ahmet Saim Kılavuz, “Üniversite olarak topluma karşı görevlerimiz var. Toplumun ihtiyaç ve taleplerine karşılık vermek durumundayız. Nitekim üniversitelerin görevlerinden biri de topluma hizmettir. Güçlü bir Ziraat Fakültemiz ve ülkemiz öncelikli alanı olan gıda arzı ve güvenliği konusunda aktif çalışmalar yapan Bilim ve Teknoloji Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezimiz (BİTUAM) var. Çeşitli kurum ve kuruluşlarla yaptığımız işbirlikleri, araştırma projeleri gibi şeyler bizi mutlu ediyor. Bugün imzaladığımız bu protokolün iki kurum ve en önemlisi ülkemiz için hayırlara vesile olmasını diliyorum.” dedi.

Uludağ University Rector Prof.Dr. Ahmet Saim Guide said, “As a university, we have duties to fulfill towards society. We have to respond and help satisfy to the needs and demands of society. We have a strong Faculty of Agriculture and a Science and Technology Application and Research Center (BITUAM), which is actively working on Turkey’s priority of food supply and safety. Collaborations and research projects with various institutions and organizations delight us. I hope that this partnership signed today will be beneficial for both the partner institutions and most importantly for our country.”

Bursa Uludağ University Science and Technology Research Center (BUUSTRC) President Utku Çopur has stated that BUUSTRC and Food Engineering Faculty already have a project called “Chemometric Characterization, Classification and Authentication of Walnuts Grown in Different Provinces of Turkey” and that it is being operated and supported by the BAP Department of the university and wished for the partnership to be fruitful.


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